Ode to Rath


concept, design, fabrication, programming : Jason Cook

materials: cathode ray tube · stepper motors · laser cut wood & acrylic · aluminium · 3D printed components · slip ring · lazy susan · custom electronics · Raspberry Pi · ESP32-C3

dimensions: 43 x 43 x 56 cm

Ode to Rath is a designed object mixing vintage technology with new digital techniques. An analog cathode ray tube is removed from it’s housing and is repurposed as an artwork. A video signal is managed using an embedded computer. The object follows the movements of an eye projected on the screen. It is capable of moving in all directions on a 360° turntable.

Ode to Rath is named in direct reference to Alan Rath, late artist and engineer who pioneered similar techniques of assembling robotics with repurposed cathode ray tubes in the 1990’s.