
Jason Cook has been teaching electronics, robotics and programming since 2011. Workshops and extended courses are offered for universities and associations seeking to delivery quality education in technology, art and design. Interns are equally welcomed at the studio to participate in projects and improve their skills. For more information please contact hello@jasoncook.fr


Students are introduced to the essential tools required to approach practices of Physical Computing. Current and historical movements in the field of art and technology are presented throughout the duration of courses. Depending upon the pedagogical interests of the institution, a particular language of code is chosen to program micro-controllers and/or embedded devices (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32). The goal by the end of the workshop is that each student embarks upon creating an original work by implementing the tools they’ve learned, taking inspiration from examples from presentations.

Prototyping and Development

Development and prototyping is arguably at the heart of unique invention. Practices of experimentation and research of technical materials are priority activities at the early stage of courses. A think-tank approach is achieved via physical manipulation of materials. Open source hardware and software is utilized for evident reasons of economic feasibility and accessibility to source data. A fluent practice of prototyping is encouraged for managing preparations before moving further with reliable productions.

Les Écoles supérieures d’art · 2017 - 2022

For a five year period I worked as manager of the art & technology departments in the fine art schools of the Pyrenees and Normandy in France. I was assigned to install a functional space, with the necessary tools and the materials to encourage practices of hardware design and fabrication, supporting both digital and analog practices of Physical Computing.

The featured video presents the entry of the studio in the Pyrenees. Inspiring a sense of imagination was a primary goal when welcoming students in the space.

Invited Artist Workshops

Among curricular activities taken place in the studio, I invited guest artists to give workshops with students. The following is documentation from a workshop at the studio conducted by visiting artist Niklas Roy in December 2018.


At the School of Fine Arts of the Pyrenees, Erasmus students from Poland were invited for a 4 month period to develop electronic works at the studio. During this period I taught them the bases of programming and electronics. Invited artists accompanied them for their final projects.