The Walking Cube


The Walking Cube is the result of a geometric research to render a minimal form dynamic and unpredictable while still managing its' initial structure. Futurist by nature, The Walking Cube expresses those primal agitations suppressed by conformist regulations pervading one's daily life in a mechanical existence. While the object fulfills any such expectations of strict conformity by maintaining a solid, symmetrical, and perfectly contained form, it also fractures these expectations, showing itself likewise capable of many other regular and irregular shapes. With the use of air-pressured mechanics a maximum force and speed was sought in the execution of shape-shifting so as to express a sort of stubborn revolt, and to (re)act with a similar noise and aggression inherent of the machine in which we all live today.

materials: aluminum · steel · pneumatic pistons · springs · air tubes · bungee cable suspension · RPi control unit

concept: Jason Cook · François Wunschel
mechanics & electronics design & fabrication: Jason Cook
animation & programming: François Wunschel
photo · video: Emmanuel Gabily · Nico Merlin
creation: 1024 Architecture in collaboration with Jason Cook / production: 1024 Architecture

Thanks to
Gregoire Lauvin · initial draft design
Laurent Bolognini · mechanics council
Simon Laroche (Projet Eva) · pneumatic council
Festo France


Düsseldorf (DE) · Electro : From Kraftwerk to Techno · Kunstpalast

London (GB) · Exhibition Electronic · The Design Museum

Venice (IT) · Biennale di Venezia · Electro - Elettronica: visioni e musica · Centro civico della Bissuola in Mestre
Paris (FR) · Expo Electro · Philharmonie de Paris

Lancy (CH) · Temps Irréel · Villa Bernasconi
Strasbourg (FR) · Aedaen Gallery

Ghent (BE) Zebrastraat · Update_6 · New Technology Art Awards · Winner Public Award
Tokyo (JP) · Digital Choc · Media Ambition Tokyo · Institute Français · 52FL Mori Tower
Aix-en-Provence (FR) · Museum Fondation Vasarely · Festival Gamerz
Metz (FR) · Concert Hall The Arsenal · Festival Ondes Messines
Nantes (FR) · Stereolux · Solo Exhibition "1024 Cubes"

Karlsruhe (DE) · Museum ZKM · Exo-Evolution · 10.30.2015 — 2.28.2016
Strasbourg (FR) · University of Strasbourg · Festival Ososphere · Jardin D'Hiver
Selestat (FR) · Factory Dromson · Exhibition MOTOR · Festival Sélest'art
Geneva (CH) · BAC arts exhibition center · Mapping Festival

Archives (making of the Walking Cube)

First test of 4 pistons

Testing a first square

Programming and testing first full prototype

Version #1 promotional video

Initial draft design of the Walking Cube by Gregoire Lauvin, summer 2014

The initial source of inspiration for the Walking Cube came from a project created in 2006 at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, titled Walking Chair : © Jason Cook